Green Party National Women’s Caucus addresses systemic racism against Black women and girls in the areas of policing, criminal justice, and education –

Source: Green Party National Women’s Caucus addresses systemic racism against Black women and girls in the areas of policing, criminal justice, and education –

Green Party accuses Pelosi, Democrats of trying to ‘crush alternative parties’ –

A key provision of the bill relating to the public financing of presidential campaigns, however, raises the threshold to qualify for federal matching funds from $5,000 each in at least 20 different states to $25,000. That has drawn the ire of third parties, with Green operatives calling it a “poison pill for democracy.” Source: GreenContinue reading “Green Party accuses Pelosi, Democrats of trying to ‘crush alternative parties’ –”

Berta Cáceres in Defense of Water Rights –

March 2, 2021 is the 5th anniversary of the death of Berta Cáceres. After winning the Goldman Environmental Prize she was murdered for successfully organizing opposition to Agua Zarca Dam in Honduras. Corporations are investing in energy production, which includes hydropower and solar and wind power as well as fossil fuels. This leads to lossContinue reading “Berta Cáceres in Defense of Water Rights –”

HR1’s “Poison Pill” to Crush Alternative Parties Requires Amending — or the Bill Must Fail –

HR1’s “Poison Pill” to Crush Alternative Parties Requires Amending — or the Bill Must Fail Source: HR1’s “Poison Pill” to Crush Alternative Parties Requires Amending — or the Bill Must Fail –

Green Party Says Democrats Need to Stop Blocking Marijuana Legalization –

Since our first statewide campaign in New York, we call for an End the War of Drugs, focusing on legalization of marijuana and repeal of the Rockefeller Drug Laws. What the Democrats are discussing in Albany will at best create a regulated monopoly that will primarily benefit corporate interests, will continue to promote an undergroundContinue reading “Green Party Says Democrats Need to Stop Blocking Marijuana Legalization –”